All-in-one Poker Recognition System
- Smart and robust vision tools dedicated to entertainment and gambling applications
- With PokerReader,the poker game procedures can be fully automated and monitored by computer easily. Suitable for the applications of Baccarat、Black-Jack、Showhand、Brigde…etc
- Support platforms include Visual Basic、Visual C++、Visual C#、C++ Builder、Delphi
- Support all series of AISYS hardware products
- PokerReader is powered by AISYS inimitable、fast、robust、stable poker recognition algorithm:time consumption for each card is about 0.040 sec
- Anti-rotation and multiple cards recognition capability: poker can be recognized accurately even in skewed orientation(from degree 0~360); all cards in the view can be recognized accurately, see the following picture

- Anti-tilt recognition capability: tilt angle up to degree 40, see the following picture
- Anti-illumination recognition capability: poker can be recognized accurately even when variation of illumination occurred, see the following two pictures

- Anti-losing-focus recognition capability: poker can be recognized accurately even when losing focus, see the following picture

- Anti-scaling recognition capability: poker can be recognized accurately even when scale changed, see the following picture
- Background elimination capability: poker can be recognized accurately even when background is not clear, see the following picture

- Build-in template file creation interface: with the help of template file creation interface, users can create new template file for different style of poker even in 10 mins, see the following picture

Video #1: Poker Pick-and-Place Demo
Link : http://goo.gl/Ye45j |