Technology Questions
How to use AISYS SOLUTION 64bit SDK
1. The compiler IDE on the market are all 32 bit, cannot directly load 64bits ocx (VS, XE). Therefore, 64bits ocx should use the method"dynamic loading (new/delete)", so that they can be used correctly.
2. If you need to use the 64bit SDK (OCX), refer to the following installation methods, and you can use it after installation.
[AISYS SOLUTION 64bit SDK Description]
1. 64bit SDK file path is as follows
"\AISYS Vision Corporation\AISYS Solutions\OVK Framework 64 Suite\"
2. 64bit SDK file introduction
"Bin\CameraGrabTool.exe" ->CameraGrabTool (64-bit version)
"C++ Builder XE6 Import Packages\" -> C++ Builder XE6 Include file
"OvkAssembly3.5SP1 / OvkAssembly4 / OvkAssembly4.5" -> .net DLL file
"System32" -> 64bit SDK(OCX、DLL)
The installation file before AISYS Solutions 2019 R1.0.0 is batch file.
"InstOvkFramework64.bat" -> installation batch file
"UninstOvkFramework64.bat" -> uninstallation batch file
AISYS Solutions 2019 R1.0.0 or later is executable file
"AISYSOvk64Installer.exe" -> installation executable file
3. Introduction to sample programs
Download path of :
"TestOvkLite64-C#" -> visual studio AxAltairU component
"TestBlob64-C#" -> visual studio AxObject::AxBlob component
"TestVAlignU64-C#" -> visual studio VAlignU
"TestOvkLite64-MFC" -> visual studio MFC AxAltairU component
"TestOvkLite64-VC" -> visual studio AxAltairU component
"TestOvkLite64-BCBXE6" -> C++ Builder XE6 AxAltairU component
"TestOvkBlob64-BCBXE6" -> C++ Builder XE6 AxObject::AxBlob component
[Install / Uninstall step]
AISYS Solutions 2019 R1.0.0 to 2021 R1.0.0b04 version, having the installation executable file, 2021 R1.0.0b05 or later will be automatically installed when AISYS_Solutions is installed.

Before AISYS Solutions 2019 R1.0.0, you need to use the bat installation batch file to install.
Install step1 : Open Command Prompt (System Administrator)
Install step2 : Execute "InstOvkFramework64.bat"

Uninstall step1 : Open Command Prompt (System Administrator)
Uninstall step2 : Execute "UninstOvkFramework64.bat"

Notice 1 : AISYS Solutions 2014-R1.0.1 or later can use 64-bit SDK.
Notice 2 : BCB6 and VB6 are early compilers, 64-bit architecture compilation environment is not supported. C++ Builder XE6, Visual Studio 2010 or later compilers are recommended for developing 64bit projects.
Notice 3 : When updated AISYS Solutions, you must perform the 64-bit SDK installation steps again to update the 64-bits ocx.